Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Thank Goodness for Wool - Again!

I'll admit - when we built our home office in our shop building 20 years ago, we skimped on heating. I didn't figure I'd be working out here through the winter. But thanks to COVID-19, I was wrong. I've been working in this office since last March.

In the springtime, things were comfortable. As summer approached, I realized that I'd need a better window shade on the sliding glass door behind my left shoulder. The sun was at a perfect angle for evening Zoom meetings. As usual, fall matched spring for comfort (at least in terms of temperature). But when winter weather finally arrived, I found that my little space heater wasn't quite adequate.

Fortunately, I have lots of wool in my wardrobe! Some of it is inherited, like some of my Pendleton shirts and Filson outerwear. Some of it I purchased - more Pendleton shirts, and lots of Duckworth gear. And I wear wool socks (my favorites are from Farm-to-Feet and Darn Tough) 365 days a year! Wool has helped me make it through working from home during these winter months!

One day last week (a warmer day, or so I thought), I simply wore a cotton flannel shirt over a cotton t-shirt. I froze my ass off! It wasn't that cold, but I found that I missed the insulating properties of my woolens!

I know wool is often more expensive - especially more expensive than synthetics. But my friend Rosie Busch, who is knitting me a sweater out of wool from our sheep, said it best: "Your sweater is gonna have little bits of your rangeland in it!" I know she was talking about the vegetable matter that contaminates our wool, but I like this thought. The wool vest and wool socks I'm wearing this evening was, at one time, grass and sunshine and rain water. That's enough to make me warm just thinking about it! 

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