Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sheep Camp 2010

Last night, we held the first (hopefully annual) sheep camp dinner and camp-out.  All of our interns joined us for dinner at the ranch where our ewes are currently lambing.  After dinner around the campfire, we walked down to the lambing pasture to check on everyone.  After Sami and the interns left, the girls and I went off to bed in the tent.  This morning, we made campfire coffee and tea and ate breakfast around the campfire before checking on the ewes again.

Being at the ranch for 24 hours straight was a great experience.  I saw and heard great horned owls (both during the day and after dark).  The Lewis' Woodpeckers are quite active in the valley oaks, and the frogs started singing to us as the sun was setting.  Today, I spotted both a bald eagle and a golden eagle cruising over the ranch.

I think I could live the life of a nomadic herder.  Cooking on a campfire has always been appealing to me.  Since I usually have to drive for 30 minutes to see the sheep in the morning, waking up and walking to the lambing pasture was a treat!  We always face the door of our tent to the east so that we awake to the rising sun, and this morning's sunrise was especially beautiful.

Sheep Camp will be become part of our annual schedule!

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